Made it through a whole year!

Just a little off topic post from the usual, but Marbled
Fennec Networks appears to have made it through a full
year of operations without having to be offlined to cold
storage for the first time in many years!

Thank you to our volunteer staff and project members who
have worked on getting us to where we are. The project has
changed, matured, been rebuilt and restructured over the
past year and operations have become a lot smoother and
far more predictable. We went from a single pfSense instance
running on a VPS to a full on network virtualized on our own
dedicated hardware. There is game servers running, a dual proto
network stack with endpoints, fully routable allocations and
various inhouse support services now. I hadn’t planned on the
project growing the way it did, but having the help I have from
you all has come together to make a space on internet that we
can call ours and be proud of. I look forward to continuing
to work with you all well into the future!
Skylar, Lead Network Engineer

Author: Skylar.W

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