Month: August 2024

Partnership with FurrIX…

Marbled Fennec Networks has partnered with Furrix to continue bringing our project members and end users a network they can experiment on and learn from. For most project members and end users, nothing will change for you and the network will keep functioning as usual.

As of Aug 12th, 2024:

  • Marbled Fennec Networks will be the point of contact and will continue to operate as we always have. Connection activation, member and user support, network usage accounting, account servicing and finances will continue to be handled by the core group and face of the project. This team will most likely be comprised of two to four project members who carry the public facing brunt of the project.
  • FurrIX, the operating subgroup for will be in control of the upkeep and maintenance for all of our routers, core services and provisioning. This team will most likely be comprised of three to four project members who’s responsibility is just to ensure that we can route data from A to B without problems.

Things to make note of:

  • Marbled Fennec Networks is the point of contact for all account and support related inquiries. FurrIX does not have access to either our accounting or support systems.

Packet loss seems to have lifted!

It seems that the packet loss we were experiencing has let up and all services are back to acting normal and without any issues.

Network Trouble

Woke up this morning to a few of our monitors giving off alerts. It seems that both of our servers are dealing with a fair amount of packet loss and higher than usual ping. We have verified this issue using external tools from multiple locations (EU, US and Canada) and all are showing the same results of packet loss.

Our team is going to give this another 15 minutes to resolves before we send a ticket in to the data center.