Places to check out!

Just a short list of places to check out that may be of interesting to other geeks. This list will grow as our team crawls around the web and finds more places to visit and keep an eye on, so check back a few times a month.

Mueller’s Software Domain
MSD is a neat little place that Adrian was referred to a few times by Nixyri and finally decided to check out. They seem to have their own git up and running, a small web host and some other services they let friends use. Pretty cool spot on the internet to idle around on.

Avali.Rest is a shared domain hosted on FurrIX’s network by Adrian and Ty Dwagon. It is meant to provide NS services to other friendly avali who are working on projects of their own. Would be users must have either a name server ready for subzone delegation or be able to submit their subzones in bind9 format to make use of this service. This service is not a part of either MFN or FurrIX, it stands on its own.