Category: Issues

Moved to new server

Our previous server developed some kind of hardware fault that was causing it to trigger memory errors even with a new kit. After working with the data center to try and figure out what was going on, we could not find the source of the halts.

To keep the project alive and kicking, we were moved onto some new hardware. Everything should be back up and running now.

Firewall Changes!

Over the past few months, our team has been seeing a fairly serious increase in scanner traffic and unwanted connection attempts ramping up over IPv6. In response, and to avoid our traffic accounting getting skewed for our members, we are reverting our default stance of having the v6 side of the network operating in pass through.

As of today, the default configuration will be everything from outside denied, unless our members raise a ticket asking for port ranges to be opened to certain addresses on their subnet. This is being done due to various parts of our network seeing upwards of 3GB+ per day in just noise from internet asbestos. ICMP will still pass through to everywhere as normal.

[Advisory] WireGuard on Windows 11

If you are on Windows 11 and are using WireGuard to connect to our network for v4 access, you may need to change your address from x.x.x.x/32 to either x.x.x.x/28 or x.x.x.x/29 depending on which subnet size our volunteer techs setup for your use.

This appears to only be affecting Windows 11 machines where using a /32 causes the platform to fail to route traffic correctly. This is a new issue that we have been recently dealing with and this appears to be the fix. Oddly, using a /128 on the IPv6 does not cause this same issue. This is only affecting this platform and does not seem to affect Linux or Android.