Category: Network

Post dealing with changes to how we route packets and configure our network.

Network upkeep…

Project members might notice little bits of down time across our various services throughout today and into tomorrow. Our team is working through a list of upkeep items that did not get handled during the month as we all had other things going on that limited our time to focus on MFN.

Something else to keep note of is that MFN’s account balance has zero’d out. We will do what we can, but there are other areas of life that the main admin would like to focus on, so this project could end up going into storage at the end of next month.

Webhost Reconf’d

Our main web host has been reconfigured with a few catch-all
virtual host setup. Now, when requests are made to our web
host specifying incorrect domains or subdomains, those request
will be met with an nxdomain splash page.

We have also re-enabled port 80 plain http access to our website
for the time being, to allow for really old systems to reach us.

All Frontend Certs Updated!

All of our frontend SSL certs have been brought up
to date. If you notice anything that is still giving
certificate errors, please reach out to the support
desk and let us know!