Category: Network

Post dealing with changes to how we route packets and configure our network.

[Advisory] WireGuard on Windows 11

If you are on Windows 11 and are using WireGuard to connect to our network for v4 access, you may need to change your address from x.x.x.x/32 to either x.x.x.x/28 or x.x.x.x/29 depending on which subnet size our volunteer techs setup for your use.

This appears to only be affecting Windows 11 machines where using a /32 causes the platform to fail to route traffic correctly. This is a new issue that we have been recently dealing with and this appears to be the fix. Oddly, using a /128 on the IPv6 does not cause this same issue. This is only affecting this platform and does not seem to affect Linux or Android.

We are aware of issues with the secondary host!

We are aware of some ongoing issues with the network that services our secondary host which runs our status page and slave name server. The data center has been contacted and has let us know that they are having internal issues and are working to resolve it. During this time secondary services might become unusable off and on.

Additionally, our volunteers are working off and on on some updates and changes to the hypervisor on the secondary. Expect some minor outages today caused by our team.

Name Server Attack

UPDATE OCT 24TH 2024@1110EST:
It appears that the attack has stopped and we have removed the drop rules for the affected domains. We have also restored our usual name query limits.

UPDATE OCT 22ND 2024@0950EST:
The attack is still ongoing and our team will continue to drop queries for ‘’ for the time being. We will perform another check around 1500EST.

UPDATE OCT 21ST 2024@2250EST:
It appears that the attack is largely focused on various regions in Brazil. While our team cannot ID the source of the attack, the destination for the requested data is pretty localized to that region. As of this time, the attackers seem to be settling for bogus TXT lookups against and our team will begin dropping traffic with the hex for that domain until sometime tomorrow morning. This may break things on a temp basis as DNS queries for their domain will not resolve for users hitting our servers.

We are seeing what looks like a DNS attack at the moment, appears to have started around 1345EST until it died off near 1420EST, and then picked up again around 1700EST and it still ongoing at the time of posting. The majority of the request are TXT records for only a handful of domains. Our team will be keeping an eye on this.

We have already stepped in to significantly lower the responses per second allowed and widen the tracking bitmask to /24 for v4 and /58 for v6. These lower limits on responses will remain in effect until six hours after the attack ends in order to limit our impact without dropping our service entirely.

While the RPS is not super high, it is out of the norm for our name servers and we are reacting to it in order to limit the outgoing traffic amount and keep our name servers accessible.