Category: News Releases

Updates about things relating to how our project advances and operates.

DNS Changes

Our team has moved all but our v6 edge router over to using one of our DNS servers at and as far as we can tell, everything is running as it should and the move was
transparent without any hiccups. The means all of our project members and end users will
now have access to both ICANN and OpenNIC domains.

Marbled Fennec Networks is currently working on testing out our own pair of DNS servers
for servicing the network. So far things look like they are running well and response times are fair.
If the testing continues to work as expected, we are considering switching all routers over to using
the servers “” and “” as their upstream DNS.

These changes, if they happen (won’t know for another few hours), should be completely transparent
to our project members and end users.

Updates partially done + team changes…

Our team managed to get three server and two routers updated today, so some of the work log has been cleared. Still have three routers to update and a handful of VPS instances.

Side note, due to issues outside of MFN’s control, our project manager has left the project. Starting tomorrow, the PM position will be open for members and VTs to apply for, if they wish to take a go at running the project. If interested, get in contact with Skylar.

New website in progress…

After a handful of years of our project using the very easy and simple to manage FlatPress platform, we are moving to a newer platform. Currently we are looking into WordPress for our website needs and have begun the migration.

During this time, both versions of our website will be kept in step with one another for up to 45 days, after which the old website will be retired from the network.

The new website can be reached at as usual and the old version of the website can be found at