Category: Operations

Information about changes or proposals that affect the way our project operates.

Name Server Updates…

Hey guys,
Our name servers have been updated to now include support for DoH and DoT. Check their webpage for more information.

More network changes!

Hey guys,
As some of your probably have pieced together by now, I (Skylar) took back one of my personal domains that MFN was borrowing for about a year. With the fully complete launch of FurrIX, has been pulled out of service from MFN/FurrIX’s routing stack and FurrIX now has their own domain under the name “” that was donated to Marbled Fennec Networks by Skylar W. and Ty Dwagon.

The project has also leased an additional /48 from NoPKT to give our project members and end users a choice of whether they want to use ‘2604:4300:f03’ or ‘2602:f992:f3’ as their subnet space when we connect them to our network. Only catch is that we cannot set PTR records for the /48 that we leased.

We also reconfigured our name servers after not fully understanding how to setup DNSSEC. Everything should now be working as intended on both server for both of our zones. We are also offering to allow project members to make use of our name servers for their own domains. You’ll need to provide our techs with a BIND ready file and they will handle the rest. At the moment, there is no GUI front end for the name servers.

Cold emails attempting to sell services to us…

Alright, not that anyone reading this or running their business this way will care, but MFN does not appreciate nor entertain cold emails about SEO, Google search ranking, social network services, domain brokering, server deployment or website optimization. Our project is currently operating with five people behind the scenes, is a very small part time ordeal and provides highly specific functionality to a very niche base of clients.
We are a zero income project. Please read this and save your fingers from the clicks to email us: we are a zero income project that operates on a month to month basis. We do not have any spare change nor the desire to spend on any third party services. Further more, those of you that do email our PR guy or our support team trying to sell your services will get your domains sent to /dev/null without recourse.

I highly do not appreciate getting emails forwarded to my inbox because someone tried messaging our support department about selling some ruckus we do not need or want.

If MFN or FurrIX ever needs a service from a third party, we will start the conversation. Not you.