Category: Uncategorized

Website back dating / importing is complete

We have imported a fair bit of data from the old website and are considering the back dating and importing task complete. The migration to our new website is pretty well finished now.

Find older post on…

For post older than March 3rd, 2024, please visit our old website at

The old website will remain viewable for some time to come, but will not receive updates to its content after July 26th, 2024. After that date, the old website will be frozen in time and the information contained on it will be out of date and will not apply to the project, our membership or the network that we run.

Updated Hypervisor and Changed Boot Options

Our team has updated the OS packages on the hypervisor and changed some
boot options that might be part of our crashes. We will be keeping an
eye on our services for a few days and making note of any possible issues
so that we can continue working with the data center to get to the bottom
of whatever is causing us to crash.