Code of Operations

Document Approved May 26th, 2023

Document Updated Feb 20th, 2024


We, the members of Marbled Fennec Networks hereby adopt and establish
this code of operations to govern and serve as a guide to the operations
within our group and project.
The code applies to all members at all levels within the project.
Whether one is a Network Moderator, volunteer staff or a project member; we
are all bound by the code.

Names used by our group and project

The official name of the group and project is Marbled Fennec Networks. As of Feb 20th
2024, there is no longer a separation of namespace between the members of the project
and the equipment they operate.

Marbled Fennec Networks’ Mission

The mission of our group and network is to be known:

  • •To further our volunteer staff’s understanding of network design,
    deployment and upkeep
  • •To provide our volunteer staff with a place to practice and work on their skills
  • •To provide our members at all levels a place to grow and learn within a semi
    controlled environment that provides the ability to roll back changes
  • •To host and provide networking services to our members for their homelabs
    and devices
  • •To foster support of members who are new to the topics at hand
  • •To build out a network that operates cleanly, is well documented and can be
    easily maintained

It is to be the group’s desire to uphold the mission at all times and demonstrate
their dedication and attention to detail when working on and within the project.

Membership Requirements

All hobbyist of good intention and demonstrable desire to further their skills in the IT
and networking fields are welcome to request membership within the project. Members
need not to be experts in their field; simply having a want to learn is enough to be allowed
to apply through the support desk for a general membership in Marbled Fennec Networks.

To be considered a member of the project, fellow hobbyist must meet the following criteria:

  • •Be of good, sound character and approachable
  • •Have read all of our policies, including the full Code of Operations
  • •Have a project of their own in mind and a short description of said project
  • •Remain in good standing with all volunteer staff members
  • •Be mindful of network and server limitations and abide by them
  • •To attend our quarterly meetings via Discord at least twice per calendar year
  • •Have applied for membership and been approved by our volunteer staff

Members are considered to be in “good standing” if they adhere to all policies and bylaws
defined by this code of operations. Members who are not in good standing shall be subject
to barrier from entry to all project activities and termination of membership and any account(s)
or service(s) provided to them by Marbled Fennec Networks.

Code of Conduct

All members are expected to adhere to the following code of conduct, else their good
standing with the project is subject to revocation. Members shall:

  • •Behave responsibly and ensure they conduct themselves in a manner which will not injure
    the reputation of the project, its events, organizers, participants, vendors or sponsors
  • •Treat other members, guests, staff of venues and other patrons (where a project function
    is being held) fairly, equally and with respect and courtesy whether virtual or in person
  • •Abide by and uphold all project policies and the Code of Operations

Project members have right to:

  • •Be treated fairly, equally and with respect by our volunteer staff and all other project members
  • •Socialize in an environment free from all forms of discrimination and harassment
  • •Be informed and actively involved in all project events and offerings
  • •Voice their opinions, ideas and suggestions to our volunteer staff

Marbled Fennec Networks takes its members at all levels seriously. Without our members, volunteer
staff and sponsors; the project would slowly cease to function or serve its purpose. So, we
strive to be fully inclusive of our members and to work with them to the best of our abilities
within reason. That being said, the issuing of warnings or revocation of good standing in
regard to violations of this code are at the discretion of the project’s board members.
At the time of writing, leadership members are Smol_Dwagon(Skylar), TyDwagon, Kyru_Huskove
and PocketDurg.

Expectations of our sponsors

Marbled Fennec Networks is mostly self supportive in that the LNA and DRA usually
foot all the finances for the project to survive and grow. However, from time to time,
a member of the project will come forward as a sponsor to help with finances directly
through the payment portal of our upstream provider.

Sponsors receive no additional level of support, network priority or any sort of unfair
advantage within the project. Sponsors must base their decision to offer a temporary
sponsorship on the fact that they appreciate the network, its resources and wish to see
it survive a little while longer. Sponsors also understand that sponsorship is to be
conducted via a trusted third-party outside of the project itself to avoid any conflict of
interest type of situation and to prevent the handling of financial data by the project.

While sponsoring Marbled Fennec Networks, sponsors may not:

  • claim they have any type of priority over other members
  • speak on behalf of the project (only board members may do this)
  • use the project name or likeness in any way that would damage our reputation
  • organize events without permission of the project board
  • claim to be a representative of Marbled Fennec Networks
  • claim to have a say in how Marbled Fennec Networks operates and conducts itself

Sponsors, if accepted, are still just regular project members who are doing
a little to help the project along. That is all a sponsorship will ever
amount to: a helping hand. Nothing more, nothing less.
Sponsorship is not a badge of merit here.

Above all…

Marbled Fennec Networks serves to connect those to the greater IPv6 internet who may not otherwise
have access and to be a learning grounds for those with an interest in computer networking
and server hosting. Be approachable, respectful and supportive of one another and you’ll
do okay around here.

We look forward to working with various projects out there and new members as they
come along!