The team behind Marbled Fennec Networks and FurrIX.zone
Listed on this page are the core team members that keep
MFN and FurrIX alive and kicking to the best of their effort. Keep in
mind that as an unorganized group, various positions within
the project may be unfilled due to people moving in and
out of the group as needed or as time permits.

Marbled Fennec Networks and FurrIX are a loosely held together group that votes
on policies, membership and projects. No one volunteer is responsible
everything within MFN or FurrIX and everyone works together to ensure that the
projects continue to grow in a way that makes sense and offers decent
services to those who have a want to be a part of the project.

When interacting with our volunteer staff members, please keep in
mind that these people are human and are choosing to take part in our
project on a purely amateur and unpaid basis. They do not and will
not tolerate abuse of any form. Keep your interactions short and pleasant,
please and thank you.

Skylar, Smol Dwagon, Lead Network Engineer(General Maintenance)[FurrIX.zone]
Just your neighborhood very small nardoragon, part time fennec, that
helps work on Marbled Fennec Networks. She is the technical
lead for the network side of things.
Skylar also does a majority of the upkeep for the projects, but does not interact
with the public directly. She is a quiet person and usually stays on the FurrIX side of
things, working away on the support tickets or deploying new services for the network.

Skylar’s Thoughts:

[quote]Just because you read the book, glanced over a paper or
configured the equipment once does not mean that there is nothing
left to learn. Never stop questioning the concepts behind the things
you have learned. Having a will to learn and knowing when to admit
that you do not know something or lack a deep understanding of a
subject are your biggest tools in this field! Always, always try to
keep learning new things even if it does not work at first, it will
click the more you work with it.[/quote]

Ty Dwagon, Operations Coordinator [Marbled Fennec Networks]
Ty helps with risk assessment, finances and ensuring that our network is
not over provisioned. He mostly keeps the project from going under when
and where he can do so. Ty sometimes reads through the logs to assist the
other volunteer staff with understanding how our network is used, where
its weak points are and what we may need to patch up down the road.

Ty is also a network tenant and can be usually found working on his FiveM
VPS, crafting his own vision of Los Santos.

[i](MFN is not responsible for the
operation of ‘The DwagonDen’ gaming community. We just host their machine.)[/i]

Kyru Huskove, Jr Network Engineer [Marbled Fennec Networks]
Kyru fills this role in their spare time. This role is mostly
responsible for reviewing network logs and checking in on the NMS a few
times a week to ensure that our project members are making fair use of the
network and that we don’t have any routing errors or transit errors.

Dhovakin, Support Staff One [FurrIX.zone]
Dhovakin helps the project by occasionally walking the network and
reporting anything of interest that he finds, poking at VMs when
he is bored (he has written permission from Skylar), reviews project
policy and suggest any needed changes, as well as assist with handling
the documentation for Marbled Fennec Networks. It is not unusual to hop
into our discord and have random tracert or DNS reports from him waiting
for review in operations or the support desk.

Dhovakin’s Thoughts:

[quote]🎵99 little bugs in the code…
99 bugs in the code…
I take one down, I patch it around…
127 little bugs in the code 🎶[/quote]

Aurora ‘SkullyDog’ Borealis, Support Staff Two(Secondary Network Engineer)[Marbled Fennec Networks]
SkullyDog is a friendly, though awkward, little furbull that occasionally works on the network.
They are responsible for interacting with the support desk for things such as
responding to tickets, processing connection request and keeping an eye
on our abuse mailbox for any potential problems.

N/A, Network Oversight

This is a future role and the requirements are currently a work in progress,
so check back later.

N/A, Disaster Team Primary

Currently no one is filling this role.
This individual has extensive troubleshooting knowledge, access to the project’s
documentation and knows our recovery plans for different scenarios. Primary takes
the lead during major network outages or server issues.

N/A, Disaster Team Secondary

Currently no one is filling this role.
This individual has extensive troubleshooting knowledge, access to the project’s
documentation and knows our recovery plans for different scenarios. Secondary op
usually shadows and documents the lead during major network outages or server issues.