We have been working with the LIR on setting up PTR for our ‘2602:f992:f3::/48’ network and this feature is now working correctly. Lookups will be answered by our name servers, meaning our default and member set records will now be returned. If you have a service on your subnet or a machine that needs reverse DNS name set, reach out to our support desk and let them know.
We poked the LIR a while back about our leased network range, 2602:f992:f3::/48, about getting the reverse DNS support added in and we were met with some technical issues the prevent them from delegating the zone to us.
Since then, our team has spent some time working on getting an understanding how to create and manage the reverse zone within our name servers. As of this evenin’, you can query our name servers directly to get the PTR record information for this zone from us. As configured, it probably is of little use to anyone, but the information is there and does resolve.
You can test this yourself by doing “nslookup -q=ptr 2602:f992:f3::1 multi.dns.marbledfennec.net” and you should get the result “ name = icmp6.catos.furrix.zone.” back from our servers.
Our secondary server may return SERVFAIL for next 10-15 minutes as our zone updates need to transfer.
Our secondary server has transferred the zone in and is responding now.
Accounting has been finished up for the month. This post will share the details of our network usage broken down by day and which part of our projects used the network. This report does not show individual member, guest or end user usages. Only combined network usages are shown here.
Physical Network Interface:
Traffic for the physical interface shows a combined view of all project traffic, including nightly backs; games; member, guest and end user traffic and internal traffic.

Hosted Services:
Traffic for hosted services includes things such as DayZ, Minecraft and FiveM.

Name Servers:
Name server traffic includes DNS traffic that is dropped at the interface and not processed.