VM Hosting…

As mentioned in our last post, VM and VPS hosting was on the chopping block due to resources getting tighter on our physical hosts. As of today, Marbled Fennec Networks no longer offers the hosting of Virtual Machines or Virtual Private Servers for our project members or guest. We have been just barely squeaking by on disk space and have decided that for the longevity of both MFN and FurrIX, this is a service that has been cut.

Project members and guest who currently have VM or VPS service with us will continue to see their instances serviced; we won’t be accepting any new applications for this type of service and members or guest who let their service registration lapse will not be able to regain hosted services with us. We know this is not what our members and guest want to hear, but we have to keep our servers and routers operational above everything else.


Our team voted to decommission our old website. So as of today, it is no longer reachable on our web server.

We also have been working to add server stats to our website and that seems to have went well and is live as of this post.

Also, various policies were updated to reflect us partnering with FurrIX. Give things a quick read over when you have time, project members. The biggest change is probably that we are going to no longer be offering in house VM hosting, as we just don’t have the resources to continue with that service offering. None of our other services are affected.

Name Servers

We added stats to our website for the two name servers. You can now view incoming request, RTT and VM stats for the last 48 hours.

Also, While we have started dropping request for a handful of ‘.pirate’ and ‘.libre’ domains, as well as dropping request for ‘isc.org’, the request flood is still ongoing but has backed off to about half of the volume it was earlier this week. Two of the volunteers on our team are keeping an eye on things.