[OPS]Updating Certs…

Most of our team has been off doing their own summer time activities
and tending to their other projects, as such, our SSL certs expired
before we realized is was that time again.

Skylar will be working on getting updated certs pushed out across
the network in the next few days to get everything back up and
going as time permits.


  • The main website and our email server should now have updated
    SSL certs and should not be making errors anymore.
  • Hypervisor had its certs updated and services reloaded.
  • Support desk had its certs updated, OS updated and was rebooted.

Stable again…we think

Upon receiving some information from a project member as to what
may be causing our server to crash, we have opted to limit cstates
on boot to see if our main server stays alive with everything up
and running.

So far, we appear to be stable once again.

Updated Hypervisor and Changed Boot Options

Our team has updated the OS packages on the hypervisor and changed some
boot options that might be part of our crashes. We will be keeping an
eye on our services for a few days and making note of any possible issues
so that we can continue working with the data center to get to the bottom
of whatever is causing us to crash.