Privacy Policy

Document Approved May 26th, 2023

Document Last Updated Aug 20th, 2024

Marbled Fennec Networks and FurrIX are committed to maintaining the accuracy, confidentiality and security of the personal information that our project members send to us when requesting and making
use of service(s) and account(s) provided by Marbled Fennec Networks and FurrIX.

As part of our aim to keep private personal information personal, our volunteer techs and project members are fully expected and required to follow and apply our privacy policy when they are dealing with information that could be considered personal private data or information. This policy governs the
collection, use and disclosure of said information.

Marbled Fennec Networks has to collect, process, use and occasionally disclose the personal information you provide us with in order for the project to provide you with service(s) and account(s) to make use of the service(s). The way in which your information is handled is made known to you via our privacy policy, network management policy and terms of service.

To provide service(s) to you, we need to collect and store personal information such as your legal name, postal address, contact phone number and a valid email address. When you request any service(s) from the project, your consent to the collection and storage of the above information is implied. If you do not agree with this, do not request or use service(s) provided by the project.

To make reasonable limitations on the personal information we collect and process, we do not permit our volunteer techs or any vendors working with us to disclose or use your information for any reason outside of setting up your service(s), maintaining the network, contacting you in the case of support request, handling network abuse complaints or working with law enforcement when required. Furthermore, when you stop use of your service(s) with Marbled Fennec Networks and notify us of such, your personal data will remain on file for forty-five days before being removed from our systems. During this time, some of your information such as your name and geo location may be available via our WHOIS server, and equivalent services, until the data has aged out.

For the project to provide you with service(s) and to be able to provide you with support when requested, Marbled Fennec Networks and FurrIX require all of our members to keep the personal data that they have shared with us up to date. If any changes to your personal information occur, such as address or phone number, you are required to notify us via email or support ticket as soon as possible.

Marbled Fennec Networks, and by extension FurrIX, do not and will not require any form of payment information for service(s) provided because our project operates by volunteer techs on a non-profit and at cost basis. Do not send us any financial details. We cannot accept such details and if such happens to be sent or disclosed to us, we will be forced to terminate your service(s) and account(s) at once. Furthermore, sending us financial data will result in you being banned from requesting service(s) in the future. Marbled Fennec Networks does not, and cannot, store, handle or process any financial data what so ever. FurrIX is not capable of and is restricted from processing or handling financial data of any kind.

Personal information given to us will be safeguarded to the best of our ability. All of our volunteer techs are instructed to only make use of the absolute minimal amount of personal information to maintain your account(s) and service(s), as well as provide you with support.

When such service is placed online, FurrIX will manage and provide Marbled Fennec Networks and our project members and end users with a publicly readable WHOIS server. This WHOIS server will contain information for domains hosted on our name servers, IPv6 subnets that are leased out and contact information related to this data. The availability of this data is made known via this privacy policy and project members who do not agree to this should stop their use of account(s) and service(s), as well as contact Marbled Fennec Networks via the support desk to close their accounts.

Any member of the project, known as project members, may make a request to be informed of the existence of personal information we currently have about them. Upon request, it may take our volunteer techs up to five days to complete your request and the resulting data will be emailed to you via the email
address that you gave to us when you requested service(s) from us. Due to privacy concerns, personal information request for a user made from an email not given to us when you requested service(s) will be ignored.

Marbled Fennec Networks and FurrIX make use of third party APIs, software and library providers in order to provide certain features on our platform. We do our best to vet each provider before and during use, but our project members are encouraged to review the terms of use and privacy policies that those providers use to govern their software and data.

One such third party provider is RevolverMaps, which we use to gather visitor stats for our website. Their software and website widget provides us with an at-a-glance map that shows a rough estimate of what countries our visitors are coming from. This data is based on public data such as GeoIP databases and
our visitors’ IP addresses. Marbled Fennec Networks does not do any processing on this data and only embeds the widget into our footer. If you have concerns about the use of this widget, email us at ‘abuse at marbledfennec dot net’ or feel free to look into the service itself at their website for more information.

As a side note, please be sure to read through our network management policy to be informed of how we handle, process and disclose on-network data. Due to the nature of computer networks and the possibilities granted by using them, we have a separate document the governs information that traverses our network itself.